View ProfileA Grease Clogged Drain Pipe? Not the Best Sight! If you are looking for the best drain cleaner for grease, then you are in the right place.
Grease-clogged drains is one of the most common plumbing problems. Dealing with it can be a frustrating experience. When grease accumulates inside the drain pipe, it blocks the flow of water leading to overflow or slow movement of water. When grease clogs the drain, everything can go awfully bad, the sink can become smelly and messy, and very unhygienic within a short time.
Grease is the hardiest and nastiest of drain issues. But it doesn’t mean you have to call the plumber to clear the drain for you. There are quite a few good drain cleaners that can unclog that drain for you, saving you the pain of paying the plumber.
So before you call your plumber, I am going to list a few efficient hacks not only to keep that grease at bay, but also the products that can assist you in clearing that grease.
Our Picks for Best Drain Cleaner for Grease
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Mini Plungers make for the best drain cleaners for grease. This is especially if the clogs are still loose.
Plungers are your first line of defense against loose grease clogs in your kitchen sink drain, be it a 16 gauge or 18 gauge stainless steel sink. When choosing a plunger look for those that are bellow shaped and are made from rubber and wood or plastic as they do not scratch metal or porcelain surface.
There are several plungers that have been proven to be very effective. We recommend the following plungers based on experience and customer reviews:
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1. PlumbCraft Mini Home Plunger
Small and sturdy, this is one of the best mini plunger for sinks. Its unique ribbed design enhances the capacity of this mini plunger.
Owing to its small size, it can fit anywhere, whether you want to unclog your sink, bath or floor drain. We found this tool to be very useful in unclogging grease clogs that are close to the sink opening.
[vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=“1/2”][wpsm_pros]
- Ribbed design which enhances the suction power of the plunger
- Textured grip for smooth handling
- Soft rubber seal design that does not scratch the surface of the sink
- Environment friendly- no need to use chemicals when you have this tool
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- Unable to clear stubborn grease clogs that are further down the drain pipe
- The rubber comes off the product making it unusable
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2. GT Master Plunger
The small, sturdy and ribbed design, makes this tool one of the best to use when your sink is clogged by grease. The ringed design increases the suction and ability to blog water into the drain. It is easy to use and store owing to its small size.
Whenever your sink clogs up or the water flow slows down, this plunger will work magic.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=“1/2”][wpsm_pros]
- Very cheap
- Powerful owing to its ribbed design
- Easy to store owing to its small size
- Durable
- Made from PCR (Post Consumer Recycleable) Material, which makes it environment friendly
- One year limited warrant
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- It’s a mini plunger and may not therefore fit in all sink openings
- Poor handling may lead to tear of the ribs making it worthless
[/wpsm_cons][vc_btn title=“Buy Now on Amazon” color=“green” link=“url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Fproduct%2FB005UJLVGI%2Fref%3Das_li_tl%3Fie%3DUTF8%26camp%3D1789%26creative%3D9325%26creativeASIN%3DB005UJLVGI%26linkCode%3Das2%26tag%3Dgnmnetworks-20%26linkId%3D8e0c9158a3d0d5f572d0e66bbf03a3e8||target:%20_blank|rel:nofollow”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][wpsm_titlebox title=“Water Powered Devices-Best Drain Cleaner for Stubborn Grease ” style=“2”]Sometimes, the grease your drain pipe may be too stubborn and the plunger won’t work. We recommend the use of water powered devices as they are safe, reusable and cheap. Water powered devices are particularly effective in cleaning grease clogs for one important reason. Grease is a self-healing stoppage; a rod or other tool may puncture the grease but with time the hole seals again. High pressure water that is delivered by water powered devices will cut of the grease and clogs from the pipe and prevent the sealing up of the grease.
we recommend the following product:[/wpsm_titlebox][vc_custom_heading text=“G.T. Drain King Unclog Hose Attachment”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This is one of the most reliable and proven product in the market. It is attached to the front end of a garden hose and directed into the clogged drain. With this drain cleaner, you can be assured that you will not be exposed to any hazardous waste or chemicals. Furthermore, the product comes in different sizes for different drain pipes, from a 1.5 inches to 6 inches allowing you to clean different drain sizes. It’s environmental friendly and easy to use as illustrated below in the following video.
[vc_row][vc_column width=“1/2”][wpsm_pros title=“What we liked about the product”]
- Durable and multi-use
- Easy to use as demonstrated in the video
- Safe as it eliminates the need to use chemical drain cleaners
- Easy installation and handling
- Easily attachable to sink tap using a hose
- Highly effective against all types of clogs including grease
- Can clear up to 1000 ft
- Works with standard house water pressure
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- Can explode if the water pressure is to high
- Improper use or attaching prior to inserting into the drain pipe will result in the tearing of the rubber part
- Use must know the size of their drain pipe before ordering
- May require extra attachments or adapters to fit into some sinks
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Drain Augers
These are typically designed to clean a drain within 25 feet of the opening of the drain pipe. The cable in the auger is driven using either the action of a drill or a hand when one rotates the drum that anchors the drain pipe.
The advantage of augers is that they have a cable that is thin and long enough to reach far to reach clogs. They are cheap to acquire, readily available and can be used multiple times making them the best choice for people who suffer clogs more often.
The only safety considerations you require when using drain augers is to maintain basic hygiene by wearing gloves and eye protection. We found Vastar to be one of the best drain auger for grease out there.
With this drain auger you do not have to worry about far to reach clogs in your drain pipe. It can clear clogs that are located up to 25 feet down the drain pipe. It’s easy to use, and its capabilities is well illustrated by many customers who have used the auger.
It can clean drain pipes that are between half an inch and 3 inches in diameter, making it a useful tool for cleaning kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks and bathtub sinks. One key advantage is that it can remove even hair clogs.[vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=“1/2”][wpsm_pros]
- Versatile as it can work on grease clogs in 1 ¼ to 2 inch pipes
- A grip knob that allows you to turn easily
- Has a thumb screw that allows one to control cable
- Capable of reaching clogs located down the drain as the cable is very long (25 feet)
- Comes with a user manual to prevent damage from improper use
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- Requires period maintenance using snake oil if used frequently
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If you are looking for a tool to blow those greasy clogs down the drain, then this is you best deal. As a gas-powered device, this drain cleaner can work on most types of clogs. The good thing about the BAAM! Drain blaster cleaner is that it is mechanical and does not require refilling. You just have to pump air into the device, using its attached pump. BAAM comes with two different adapters, a small and a large rubber adapter. The small adapter is for small sinks, while the larger is for large sinks, which have an opening of more than 1.5 inches. This tool can generate at least 43psi which is highly effective on not only grease clogs but also food blockages and scum. The only problem is that you have to mate the opening of the tool to the drain to avoid a back splash.[/wpsm_titlebox][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=“1/2”][wpsm_pros]
- Unlike other gas-powered devices, this device does not require filling as its contains a mechanical pump
- Reusable
- Environmentally friendly as it eliminates the need for chemicals
- Money saver as you do not have to call a plumber
- Versatile as it can be used to unblock all types of sinks
- Easy to use
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- The rubber adapters wear out with use meaning that you will have to replace them after a few applications
- Can cause a black splash if you do not mate the rubber adapters to drain opening in a proper manner
[/wpsm_cons][vc_btn title=“Buy Now on Amazon” color=“green” link=“url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Fproduct%2FB00HPMPPWY%2Fref%3Das_li_tl%3Fie%3DUTF8%26camp%3D1789%26creative%3D9325%26creativeASIN%3DB00HPMPPWY%26linkCode%3Das2%26tag%3Dgnmnetworks-20%26linkId%3D28d4302669096da2b50653adf0dff3a8|||”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text bordered=“1”]Understanding Grease in your Sink
We have reviewed some of the best drain cleaner for grease in the market. We have found that mechanical drain cleaners are the best as they are safe to use and friendly to the environment. The following products are essential in your home, in case you suffer from clogged drains:
- Thru drain auger for hard to reach clogs
- Drain King Unclog Hose attachment
- High suction plunger
- BAAM! Drain Blaster
In a world where there is substantial research on the potential negative effects of chemical drain cleaners, mechanical drain cleaners stand out as the best option.
Mechanical drain cleaners are environmental friendly, durable, fast acting, cheap, effective and universally safe.
Chemical cleaners, especially those that are classified as heavy duty or industrial grade may be corrosive and require special care to be taken.
On the other hand, enzyme based or natural drain cleaners are slow acting and most act on organic material. The wimpy action of such cleaners, show that mechanical drain cleaners are the most effective tools against drain cleaners.
Our advice is for you to invest in a mechanical drain cleaner toolkit that will allow you to unclog your drain in case it becomes clogged.
So where does grease originate?
Everything contains a considerable amount of grease, oil and fats. Many of the foods we take or use including detergents, soaps, egg shells, grinds, butter rise, coffee, food scrapes, dairy products and meat contain fats, oils and grease. During cleaning of utensils or even bathing, the grease flows into the drain pipe, where it accumulates and clogs the drain. Sometimes you won’t even know it is accumulating. Signs of accumulation emerge only when it’s too late and the grease has attached to the drain pipe. Some of these signs include slow water drainage, gurgling sound, and bad smell coming from your drain. Even the soaps we use contain grease, especially fat based soaps, given that most soaps are either made of vegetable oil and animal oil –all of which contain grease which has a potential to clog your drain. The most annoying part is that you won’t even know that there is grease in your drain until one day you have a bad smelling sink or one that is overflowing.
So Where Is Grease Likely to Accumulate?
In most cases, grease will accumulate in pipes that are directly linked to your kitchen sink or bathroom sink. If you often drain hot water into your sink, you will realize that the grease accumulates in the sink trap. It also tends to accumulate at the base of the sink and in the drain pipe. Overtime and as you continue to drain the fats and oils into the sink, the grease will solidify in the drain pipe and harden further. The further you drain the fats, the more the grease accumulates in the drain pipe. Sooner or later, the grease will become bigger and bigger clogging your drain pipe, reducing the water flow and causing either a blocked sink or a busted drain pipe. So, when you see signs of grease related clogging, it’s time to select the best drain cleaner for grease, that will not only clear the clogs but also has a long lasting effect. Although there are many best drain cleaners for grease, some are toxic, while others are not effective. So, we have reviewed and created a list of the best drain cleaners for grease based on the reviews of those who have actually used the products and the components of the products.
Now that we have reviewed your best options against clogged drains, it is important to know how you can best avoid the problem of grease clogged drain and the frustrations that come with the problem. When washing dishes or other materials that contain greasy substances, do not flush the greasy substances into the drain. If you are cleaning greasy utensils, first soak them into a grease dissolving cleaner before cleaning them. You should always remember the following:
- Grease clogged drains occur when there is a large accumulation of fats, oils and grease in the drain: do not pour grit, grease, fats and oils into the sink.
- Always wipe off all utensils that contain grease or fats before cleaning them and dispose of the scrapped material in the garbage can rather than draining them into the sink
- Always use soaps that have an anti-grease property. This will prevent accumulation of grease which will ultimately clog your drain. When bathing look for soaps that have anti-scum and anti-grease properties.
- Use the recommended products to unclean out your drain once every month. This will prevent grease from accumulating in the drain and therefore protect you from serious clogging.
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